Revolutionizing Genitourinary Diagnostics

Non-invasive genitourinary diagnostics for unmet clinical needs

Kidney chronic diseases

are mainly diagnosed and monitored by means of imaging tests and biopsies.

4% Complication Rate

20% Patients refuse diagnostic

Frequently unconclusive

3% Annual healthcare cost

15% World's population affected

30M Undiagnosed cases/year (only in US)

kidney scale model in hand
kidney scale model in hand

It is time for a revolution

Early diagnostic.

Better patient management.

We help clinicians in early-diagnosing and monitoring genitourinary diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Kidney transplant failure and many others our R&D team continuously investigates.

Our main benefits to the clinician and healthcare community

  • Non-invasive diagnostics while improving the trustability of diagnostic

  • Earlier disease detection than current Standard of Care

  • Better monitoring process allowing for personalized patient management

Our Technological approach

Partnering with international clinical KOLs and institutions, we investigate and discover novel biomarkers that push the knowledge boundaries of non-invasive genitorurinary diseases diagnostic.

woman in white robe sitting on black office rolling chair
woman in white robe sitting on black office rolling chair
Novel biomarker discovery
IVD - Medical devices

We protect, validate, develop and offer non-invasive, personalized diagnostics and prognostics for early detection and individualized treatment.

We provide solutions that are reshaping the future of genitourinary disease diagnostics together with the clinician community. With them, for them.

Oriented to clinician usability
white and black plastic bottle lot
white and black plastic bottle lot
person in blue gloves and blue denim jeans
person in blue gloves and blue denim jeans

Our leading team

Marta Clos, MSc.

CTO & co-founder - IVD Technology director

Francesc E. Borràs, PhD.

CSO & co-founder - Scientific director. R&D team management

Albert Mascarell, MBA

CEO & co-founder - Business administration

Clinical Advisory board

Industry Advisory board

Jordi Bover, MD

KOL and head of nephrology at HUGTP. DEBIOS Advisory Board Director & co-founder

R. Lauzurica, MD

KOL with +40 years clinical experience with kindney transplants

Marta Palicio PhD

Innovation R&D Director at Werfen

Nuria Pascual PhD

Technical Director CAbs

Contact Us

Get in touch with our team to learn more about our innovative genitourinary health solutions

DEBIOS Diagnostics is a spin-off company from the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute.